
Let me just say, I was like a kid in a candy store all over again! I had herd about Sweetology threw social media and for good reason! It’s so fun & cute! I took my daughters there one day during the summer and she had a blast!

Basically they do everything sweet! They take orders for cakes, you can come in and make your own, throw a birthday party there, or just bring your kiddos for a day to decorate! They have either cookies or cupcakes, of your choosing, of chocolate or vanilla along with literally every kind of decoration you can think of! I’m talking literally every color of sprinkles, icing that you can make any color you want, decorative toppers, etc. You name it, they got it! They also have a candy wall where you can get a handful of anything you want & weigh it out by pounds like in the old days!

You know how at build-a-bear they have you make a wish on a little heart before you put the heart into the bear? That’s kinda the same thing they do with their cupcakes! They gave Kylie a little chocolate heart to wish on and then push down inside of her cupcake that she was decorating! How cute right?!

Kinsley loved it as well! Although, I would say at least a 2-3 year old and not a baby would probably have more fun, she still loved eating all the sweets never the less! I have to admit I did too! It defiantly takes you to a special place as an adult where you can have a moment to be a kid too!

I highly recommend going and having a day of fun! On the plus side moms, the kids can make as big of a mess as they want and you aren’t stuck cleaning it up!! BOMB! And if their happens to not be a Sweetology near you, they do offer their decorating kits that can be delivered right to your door! There’s even themed kits too! Their so cute FYI!

Happy Decorating!

Sweetology’s Website ~

Outfit Details ~


Bailey's Range


Sauce On The Side