White Sneakers - A Round Up Of My Favorites
I would say “white shoes you need for spring” but I’m going to also show you some you can wear all year too! These are all sneakers I own and love! White sneakers are a HUGE staple piece in my closet but also because they just go with everything!! You should definitely own at least one white sneaker to go with all your outfits, all year long! So I’m going to show you all of my favorites, in categories, and how to style them! Then you can get idea of what kind of white sneaker you should get for your closet!
Tips For Buying Dupes Online
Every single person I know is searching for the newest dupe on the market so they can still get a great designer looking bag without the price tag. The problem with this is that you never quite know what your going to get. Before Etsy and Amazon caught on to these dupes, they would stay up on their sites for a long time, but then they started to notice.
Christmas Outfits
We all want to look our best and the cutest when the holidays come around! That’s why I went on the hunt for the cutest sweaters and Christmas outfits out there and to my surprise Amazon had them! I mean they have everything! But I gotta say, I’m really impressed with these ones! So lets get to them because I am so excited to share these with you!
Gucci Dupe Purses
To buy the real Gucci purse or a dupe? That is the million dollar question, well at least the thousand dollar question because that’s an around about price for one of these purses! I’m a stay at home mom and you can bet your bottom dollar I don’t have that kind of money to spend on a purse, so the dupes are just fine to me but to others they couldn’t even fathom having a fake. That’s why I love doing these comparisons for you of the dupes and the real ones so you can see the differences your self and make your own decision of what you want to do. Even if I had the extra money laying around I just couldn’t find myself paying that kind of money for a purse.
Spanx vs. Aerie Leggings
We all know the holy grail of leggings are the Spanx faux leather leggings! They are seriously the best and I don’t know a single person who doesn’t own them. But lets be real here. There are some people who can’t afford them for whatever reason. That’s why I’m so grateful Aerie came out with their speckled leggings! I made a video below comparing the two for you so you can make up your own decision about which pair to get. Plus you can see them up close and how they fit.
Must Haves For Fall 2019
Every year fashion changes. Prints change. What people think are “cute” change. So I’m sharing with you some of the TOP items that you should have in your closet for the 2019 fall year! These are items that I own and love or else I wouldn’t share them with you, duh. So lets get started!
(You can click on any photo to get the details to that certain outfit)