How To Prepare For A Concert With A Child


There are tons of concerts out there now for children. From Jojo Siwa to Kids Bop to even musicals of cartoons. Lets say your even bringing your child along for a Taylor Swift concert. Either way, here’s how I prepared Kylie to go and thought I would share it with you. So if you ever take your little one, you’ll be ready!

My number one thing is to talk with your child about the “rules” of going to a concert. They should know that this will be a huge crowd of people and they could very easily get lost if they don’t stay next to you. I know this may seem scary to tell your child but I would rather my daughter know what could happen and if it does happen, what to do. So staying next to me is the number one thing! Once were in the arena, there is always a place to go if you find yourself “lost” and I will show her where that is or tell her the ONLY person should she tell shes lost to, is a worker. I point out the workers and what their wearing or the security guards.

My daughter already knows her address and my phone number by heart. You can call me paranoid but I had her remember it from a very young age. Better safe than sorry. So she knows what to tell a worker or security guard if she is ever to get lost. If your child is too young to remember that kind of information or just doesn’t have it memorized yet then what I did with Kylie is get a permanent marker (it won’t come off even with water or sweat) and wright her information on her forearm. You can also get rubber like bracelets and write your information on it. Just make sure they know to not take it off.

If your taking a child that is under 5 years of age I would suggest taking some kind of hearing protections weather it be head phones or ear plugs. They make headphones for protecting baby’s and children’s ears. Children’s ears are a lot more sensitive than adult ears and you want to protect their ears from the very loud music! Plus listening to such loud music over a long period of time can give you and your child a headache. So taking ibuprofen before the concert and taking some with you isn’t a bad idea either!

Concerts usually run late. At least later than kids normally are used to staying up, even on a friday night. So I will take a blanket with us so she can sit down and cover up with if needed. Their also great for the ride home so they can get a jump start on getting tired or even falling asleep and carrying them inside the house asleep.

If your taking a baby or a toddler where you still carry around a diaper bag, take snacks! Most arenas don’t allow food or beverages inside but if you have a baby/toddler they will allow a diaper bag with their formula/snacks. So I always will shove a few extra snacks in there for Kylie and myself. Because lets be honest 10 bucks for a popcorn is outrageous!

If you plan on buying merchandise from the stands inside be sure to have either your card or cash on you. I do NOT take a purse into any kind of arena! I will take a fanny pack and either put it around my waist or as a cross body bag. Carry the least amount of stuff! Normally that will be a drivers licence, money, credit cards, phone, and car keys. Believe me, you don’t want a big tote to be carting around and have to worry about if someone is trying to pick pocket you or steal your purse under your seat.

Lastly, to have fun! To dance your heart out! To go home knowing you got the most experience out of your concert! When Kylie and I went to the Jojo Siwa concert, I don’t think we sat down for a minute! Even I had a blast! We danced our hearts out! So no matter what happens, have fun and make a memory that will last a lifetime!

Here is our most recent Jojo Siwa Dream Tour we went to in St.Louis together! She defiantly knows how to put on a show and I would highly suggest taking your little girl if she is obsessed with her like I know my daughter is!


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