Our Experience At The Big Bounce America


Worth the hype or nah? Well in our experience it was okay, here’s why.

It’s mid fall in October so you know it’s going to be a little chilly and depending on where you live, maybe even a little rain. We live in Missouri and our weather isn’t always the greatest. So you can bet that it had rained before we got there. Which normally wouldn’t be a big deal but when you have the biggest inflatables in the world, it’s hard to get every inch of them dry. So to say the least we ended up getting our bottoms, butts and feet, completely sopping wet. So I would defiantly check the weather before you book your tickets to see what the weather is going to be like!

Now if you take the time out to read all the rules and tips they send to you in an email before going you will know that they tell you to bring a change of clothes or two just for this reason, so it was my bad as a mother that I only brought the kids a change of clothes/socks and not myself as well. So if there is even the slightest chance of rain, take like 3 sets of clothes for everyone!

Now I don’t want it to seem like it was all horrible because it wasn’t! We had a blast! Mother nature even decided to stop raining just for us! (Would you believe that it started raining again the moment we left? It’s like she knew we were threw and decided to stop the rain just for us!) Even as an adult, it’s hard to NOT enjoy yourself! I mean your jumping on the biggest inflatables in the world! Finally a bounce house big enough for us too! Plus an obstacle course, huge slides, a maze, and a huge ball pit with mini ball pits on it!

For only $25 bucks a person for 3 hours, it was worth it! Believe me you’ll be die’n after 3 hours of jumping! There are designated time slots for each age. So when buying tickets you have to pick either toddler time, young kids, teenagers, or adult times. Obviously since I have children we did the young kids time which was anyone 7 years and younger. Toddlers have to be accompanied by a participating adult. You can go for free to watch but if you want to participate in anyway, you’ll have to be a paying participant. Their are security at the entrance to each inflatable to make sure you have your wristband on also to show that you paid.

The main big bounce house is a timed slot. When you buy your tickets you can decide which time slot you want which is either right when you get there, in the middle, or the end. We did the middle which I liked because it gave the kids time to go crazy at the beginning and do whatever they wanted, then do an hour in the main bounce house, and then use our last hour to do whatever the kids wanted, eat, or leave early. Inside the timed bounce house there is a d.j. booth with a d.j. ready to get the kids hyped! Playing all the coolest kid’s music and even having a little dance battle! He even got out of the little booth to dance with the kids! They also had a bubble machine going inside of the bounce house also! I have to admit it was pretty dang cool!

They say you can’t bring any food into the event because their will be food trucks available for you that they have arranged. Well only one food truck decided to show up at 11:30 after we were already good and hungry. There were a lot of unhappy customers to say the least. So here is my tip! Bring food with you in your car! Take a little cooler with sandwiches, chips, and drinks! Even if there are food trucks in your city that decide to show up, you’ll be saving on money! You probably won’t eat until you leave anyways, so when you leave just hangout at the car for ten minutes in the parking lot to eat before you take off to go home.

All in all, we had a blast! I would of rather got my booty a little wet than go in the middle of the hot summer and be sweating to death. That just doesn’t sound like any fun at all.  The kids had a blast and really that’s all that matters! So if your on the fence about going, just do it! Let the kids run around and be kids! Plus I know I would of loved to do something like that when I was a kid!

The Big Bounce America’s Website ~ If your wanting to look over everything or book your own tickets to go! (Not a sponsored blog post)

Here’s a little vlog I recorded to show you a little bit of what it’s all about! Hope you enjoy and if you have any questions at all don’t hesitate to leave a comment or use the “contact me” button in the menu to ask me anything!


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