Tips For Buying Dupes Online

Every single person I know is searching for the newest dupe on the market so they can still get a great designer looking bag without the price tag. The problem with this is that you never quite know what your going to get. Before Etsy and Amazon caught on to these dupes, they would stay up on their sites for a long time, but then they started to notice.

Lets be honest here, getting a dupe that is that “spot on” is technically fraud. Their trying to replicate something that is patented and someone else’s design. Us as consumers can’t technically get in trouble for purchasing them but those selling them can. So when I find a really good dupe, share about it, and say “If you want one, you better run”, that’s because their either going to sell out or get taken down. You don’t really have a lot of time to “think it over” so to say, but you can take proper steps to protect yourself and your money.

You don’t want to purchase a dupe that shows pictures of it being an exact replica of a bag (belt, etc.) you’ve been wanting and in the mail comes something completely different. I’ve never personally had that happen to me yet but I have had something arrive that didn’t live up to the quality they portrayed online.  I’m not saying it hasn’t happened though, their are a lot of frauds and crooks on the internet! So you can’t take the pictures of their product that they put up for face value anymore. When I have it in my hand is when I can speak on it but by then, their already gone or taken down.

So I get it, I’m right there with you on the “Your taking a chance” type of purchase. It’s not a good feeling. So I’m here to help you feel better about it because there are steps to take to insure that if something was to go wrong, your protected all around! I’ve had to learn the hard way. So I’m sharing these steps I’ve learned so you don’t have to go threw the same hassle I had to, because every girl should be able to have the bag, purse, belt, etc. of their dreams without going broke!

Sorry not sorry but not everyone has a grand or a few to throw away on a purse. I’m just being real here and always will be with y’all. I’m just like every other woman out here trying to survive while looking cute!



Don’t ever purchase something with just your debit card. Using your debit card is giving them permission to directly take your hard earned money straight out of your bank.

Always use a credit card that is connected threw your PayPal. Why? Because if you don’t receive your product or you receive one that doesn’t look like what they showed then you can file a dispute.

If you don’t own a credit card, you can still use your debit card but just make sure your still using it threw PayPal. And it’s always a good idea to call your bank to make sure you have some type of insurance on your debit card. Kind of like a “purchase protection” on your card.

It’s really not as hard as everyone says if you do it correctly. The first dispute your going to file is with Etsy, Amazon, where ever you purchased from. If that doesn’t get you anywhere then you can file a dispute threw PayPal and if all else fails then you can file a dispute with your credit card company or your bank.

I’m telling you that you will be refunded your money threw one of these methods.

When I did this because I had not received as high as quality of a product as they promised, I got my money back and ended up getting to keep the product because the seller had disappeared. They were selling what was pictured (which is what I wanted) it just wasn’t real leather which they said it was.

You could actually apply this tip to everything you buy online. Except if it’s from a company like target, lets say for example, they obviously aren’t going to just “go missing” one day from the world. I’m talking about places that have indivudal sellers like Etsy, Amazon, Wish, and even small boutiques/shops.



Always keep the confirmation email you receive when you purchase something or take a screenshot of it so just in case the email gets deleted, you’ll have it in your photos also. You more than likely will need these when you file a dispute. But even if you don’t need them for your dispute, you should always keep copies of your purchase for a “just in case” situation.

I normally will keep my confirmation emails and screenshot them until the product I purchased arrives and I make sure it is what I wanted and purchased. If it’s correct, then awesome! I will find those documents and delete them. This way I’m clearing up more space up on my phone and so I don’t have a ton of receipts and documents all jumbled together.


In conclusion, it’s a shame really that we have to take these precautions because there are hard working self employed people out there trying to make an honest living and they pride themselves in their work. That’s why I love purchasing from Etsy and Amazon because I know that I’m supporting a small business owner! I also love finding new online shops and boutiques that are up and coming to help support them as well!

If you are an individual shop owner or have your own online store, comment below your shop so we can all check it out and help support you!

I hope this helps to ease your mind a little bit when purchasing anything online! I know that once I had certain steps in place, I felt a hundred times better!


I also wanted to show you a dupe purse I recently just purchased on Etsy for $99. Below you’ll see the pictures of the original purse, what was shown on Etsy, and what actually came in the mail. I am pleasantly surprised at how well they paid attention to detail! This was a good purchase!

Everything is almost exactly as the same as the real one except that the letting on the strap is a little different and the chain didn’t come attached. But if you look at the picture of the real one, there is no “clip” on the chain when it attaches to the purse. It’s simply just connected by one of the chains. So I will have to use needle nose pliers to put it on myself but other than them two little things, this purse lives up to the real one!

Same yellow stitching, same red interior color, same LV initials on the zipper handles and clip attachments. Along with Louis Vuitton imprinted on the outside of the purse and on the inside too! I’m very pleased with this purchase!




Valentines Day Gift Guide


Billie Razor