Billie Razor

Shaving is a must for me! I’m defiantly not into going “all natural” kinda thing, that’s just my personal preference. There’s nothing wrong with being completely natural, it’s just something I’m not comfortable with. I started shaving as a young teen just like any other female but when I got older and started purchasing them myself I couldn’t believe how much they cost! Just for three little blades in this handheld device? I was shocked! But what are you going to do? I wasn’t going to buy the cheep ones and end up cutting myself like a butcher. So I kept on spending money on the better ones. Until now!

I recently just discovered the Billy razor one day scrolling threw social media like the rest of us do and couldn’t believe how cheep they were! “There’s no way this razor was going to end up being as good as a Venus razor”, I thought to myself. How could it be? When something is more expensive it has to be better right? And cheaper means it’s not as good as quality, because that’s what we’ve been taught our whole lives, right?

So I bit the bullet and decided to try it out for myself. If it wasn’t as good as everyone said, no harm done really because it wasn’t that expensive. And if it ended up being amazing, then I was going to be another believer! Can you guess which one it ended up being? Well, considering I’m writing a blog post on it, lets just say I was shook!

It really is all the hype you hear! It shaved so effortlessly and is really nicely made! Even though I was stoked about how well it shaved the first time using it, the other thing that I loved was that it’s a subscription. Now I know what your about to think, “oh god, run the other way!” I’m the same way too, I don’t really like “subscription” things, but this one I’m on board with because of how versatile it is!

You just take a little short quiz about how often you shave and that determines when and how many new razor heads get sent to you! I only shave about every few days. I would say anywhere between every four days or once a week. So it choose for me to get four new razor heads every three months. But let’s say you don’t like what the quiz tells you, you can actually go in and manually pick how many refills you get and how often! You can add on shaving creme, lotion, etc. if you want but is totally not mandatory! Plus you can cancel anytime without any fees! I mean they really thought of everything!

When I go to the grocery store I hate having to walk all the way to the other side to pick up razors. Now, I don’t have to, there just sent to me! The other nice thing? Your not going to believe how cheep they are! For nine dollars you get one Billie handle, a magnetic wall mount, and two five blade heads! I mean you can’t get any better than that! Plus their razors are encased in 360 degrees of charcoal shave soap for the smoothest glide ever!

It’s not like the ones you buy at your local store that come with some kind of “smooth” encasing around their blades and somehow it dissolves off after a few uses. Nope! Billie’s stays on the razor! I’ve been using the same razor for over a month as a “test” razor to see how it would hold up against Venus’s razors and here are my findings.


The encased charcoal soap head is still on, attached, and still glides effortlessly for a silky smooth shave even after using it for over a month

Only $9 for a starter kit (2 razor heads with 5 blades each, a magnetic hanger, and the handle) All other products such as lotion ($12), shaving cream ($8), etc. are all super affordable! And 4 razor head refills is $9!

After a month of use, every time I shave it’s still feels like the first time I used it! I mean just really smooth freshly shaved legs!


Their soap encased razor was dissolving after the first two uses, was completely gone after four uses, and couldn’t shave with it anymore because without the silky soap around the razor it hurt to use it

A new Venus razor with only 1 head on it is $14 at Walmart! A pack of 5 refills for them are anywhere from $15-$35 depending on which “type” of Venus razor you have!

After a hand full of uses, you can tell when it’s not “new” anymore because instantly out of the shower it’s not buttery smooth like it should feel with a fresh new razor

I could keep going on of all the reasons I love the Billie razor but why not see for yourself? I mean at these prices, what do you have to loose?

So give it a try and if you snag one for yourself or a friend, be sure to tag me on social media so I can show you off with your brand new razor!

Side Note – This is no way endorsed, sponsored, or gifted. I am simply sharing my own review and what I have noticed since using the Billie razor that I purchased myself with my own money. Because when you find something amazing you share it with your friends, right?! You don’t keep that shiz to yourself! lol.

Hey! Billie is a female-first shave and body brand that’s putting an end to the Pink Tax on razors. By spreading the word about The Pink Tax Rebate (no purchases necessary) we get up to a $20 credit to spend on Billie razors and body care. Let’s do this! CLICK HERE! Just enter your email, start referring, and spreading the word about The Pink Tax Rebate!


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