Tula Skin Care

Let me be completely honest with you. I didn’t want to love these products. I heard so much hype about them and just really didn’t believe it. Plus I was never really into skin care until I started getting older and in the past year I have tried so many products it’s unreal really. So I thought this will be just another skin care routine that I’ll try for a week and then it’ll just sit in my bathroom collecting dust like the others. But I have to admit that I’ve used every single product that I ordered until it was completely gone & now I’m ordering my second round! I love it!

So why have I used Tula products until they were all completely gone & needed more? Their freak’n amazing that’s why! Let me clarify, I don’t think I have ever been this excited about a product before! Their just so easy to use, throw in your purse, & their fantastic! Tula really did an amazing job at making these products so easy to use, on the go, & really showing up to do their job! They simplified it even more by making individual kits such as the anti-aging kit and clear complexion kit! Oh and don’t worry, there are more than just them two! If your still not sure you can always take their “skin quiz” to find out what is going to work best for you & your skin needs!

The products I use on a daily basis are the face primer, eye balm, and the cleanser. But because I loved these three products so much, this time I ordered so many more and can’t wait to share them with you also!

You can get 20% OFF your first order for new customers of orders $30 and up if you CLICK HERE

All my favorite Tula products linked HERE

Tula’s Primer ~ I have never tried a primer that is so dang good! This primer has a “tint” to it. Meaning that it will actually color correct your face! With my skin I actually have 2 red sploshes on my cheeks & dark circles around my eyes. With any other primer I’ve used, it would just “blur” the skin, not actually color correct it like Tula does! Even before I became a mom, I’ve always had dark circles around my eyes & this instantly covers them! It legit looks like I have foundation on but its not! Plus it feels amazing like a moisturizer! It is also jam packed with tons of vitamins for your skin! I took some before and after pictures below of using JUST THE PRIMER and the results are insane!! You can also watch my quick YouTube review of it and see the results live and in person for yourself!


Only half of my face is done with the primer


Can you see the contrast between the 2 sides?

Using the Tula Primer


PHOTO NOV 04, 11 21 58 AM

Tula Glow Balm ~ This is the best on the go balm stick ever invented! You can just throw it in your purse and use it when you need it! You can use it under your makeup, on top of your makeup, or just by it’s self on your natural skin! They first had the blue one and then came out with a pink! Their not different in any way except the “glow” of it is a different tint of color. So it’s really up to personal preference of glow color. This can also be used as a high lighter! There are so many uses to this little stick it’s insane! It does give you a refreshed, feel alive feeling because it has a cooling sensation to it. Not anything crazy like icy-hot or anything like that, but just a cool little tingly feeling that awakes your skin! Below I have a few pictures that show case you just how you can use it.

Tip: If you do use it on top of your make up, I do suggest to “dab” it and not slide it across your face so it doesn’t drag your make up. The more you put on, the more you will “glow”. So start with one layer & if you want more, then add more of it until you reach your desired look.


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