Billie Razor
Shaving is a must for me! I’m defiantly not into going “all natural” kinda thing, that’s just my personal preference. There’s nothing wrong with being completely natural, it’s just something I’m not comfortable with. I started shaving as a young teen just like any other female but when I got older and started purchasing them myself I couldn’t believe how much they cost! Just for three little blades in this handheld device? I was shocked! But what are you going to do? I wasn’t going to buy the cheep ones and end up cutting myself like a butcher. So I kept on spending money on the better ones. Until now!
Teeth Whitening At Home
Everyone wants white teeth, lets be real here. But not all of us take the proper steps to ensure that we can have the whitest teeth we can. We drink coffee, smoke, or maybe forget to floss. And sometimes even when we do take all the proper steps to have white teeth, they still are not white! So whats the solution? Brushing multiple times a day? Buy expensive whiting strips from Walmart that don’t really work? Pay for a professional dentist to get your teeth bleached? I’ve tried mostly all the “tricks” that are out there and in the end, my teeth still were not white. It can get frustrating I know but I’m here to help!
Natural Looking Fake Eyelashes
Fake eyelashes, man can they be difficult. No matter which way you put them on, which eye lashes you use, or the glue; it just is difficult. I wish I had a magical answer to tell you how to instantly put them on correctly but there’s not one. It really just takes practice, practice makes perfect. You have to figure out if you like full bushy eye lashes or more of a natural look. You have to figure out if you like them trimmed or not. It really comes down to personal preference.
Tula Skin Care
Let me be completely honest with you. I didn’t want to love these products. I heard so much hype about them and just really didn’t believe it. Plus I was never really into skin care until I started getting older and in the past year I have tried so many products it’s unreal really. So I thought this will be just another skin care routine that I’ll try for a week and then it’ll just sit in my bathroom collecting dust like the others. But I have to admit that I’ve used every single product that I ordered until it was completely gone & now I’m ordering my second round! I love it!