Natural Looking Fake Eyelashes

Fake eyelashes, man can they be difficult. No matter which way you put them on, which eye lashes you use, or the glue; it just is difficult. I wish I had a magical answer to tell you how to instantly put them on correctly but there’s not one. It really just takes practice, practice makes perfect. You have to figure out if you like full bushy eye lashes or more of a natural look. You have to figure out if you like them trimmed or not. It really comes down to personal preference.

It’s kinda going up to someone and asking them, “which car should I buy”. It’s not realistic because what someone else likes, might not be what you like. So my best advice I can give to you is to get a pack of fake eyelashes and just practice! You’r probably going to get glue in your eye, your eye will water, you might poke yourself in the eye even, but I promise you it will get easier.

Some might not have this problem. You might just try to do it one day and be a natural at it. I, however, did not have this kind of luck and had to really practice at it but it’s so worth it! They look so effortless natural and beautiful! I put together a video of how I figured out a way to put the eyelashes on the UNDERNEATH of the top eyelid so that the black strip isn’t on the top!! So people won’t even know you have fake eye lashes on! I will apologize in advance because it is a little up close and personal but this was really the only way I could show you how to do it.

I hope you enjoy the video and this helps you learn a new way to put on fake eyelashes for a more natural look! If you put your eyelashes on like this, tag me so I can share it on my Instagram!

You can find all the products I used here:

Natural looking fake eye lashes

Eyelash glue


Fake eyelash tool set


Gucci Dupe Purses


Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sales